Kristy Medina
Kristy Medina
It's Simple2loseWeight with Kristy
I LOST 200+ LBS and
I did it without
pills, shots or surgery!
I was an energetic Mom but my weight was holding me back! I would go to games and arrive at the field exhausted. I would plop down in my chair and not peal myself up till the game was over. I didn't fit anywhere. I kept telling my boys we would take them to when they were older and that was mostly because I knew they would not let me ride the rides. I had been turned away before and I never wanted that to happen again! So, after I searched for a program I could follow and lose! I wasn't on any medication but I was clearly a medical disaster waiting to happen. I went to my doctor and said, "I need help!" However, without insurance, all he would recommend was eating good and exercising. I hurt too much to exercise. I found this amazing program and decided if others could do it so could I.
Form Great Eating Habits
you can feel good about these habits. Kristy Medina offers accessible, daily practices through web and mobile app that are scientifically proven to reduce craving-related eating and emotional eating.
Let's get started today!
*clients can expect to loss 2 to 5lbs a week for the first 2 weeks and 1 to 2 lbs a week thereafter