Kristy Medina
Kristy Medina
It's Simple2loseWeight with Kristy
A big reason this program works so well is the I keep it
simple and convenient
and Great Personal Coaching.
I'm Here for YOU!
I, Kristy, as your FREE Health Coach will help you to:
It has never been Simpler to using the
plan and have success!
There is
*no calorie counting,
*no points system,
*no diet pills/Drugs
*clients can expect to loss 2 to 5lbs a week for the first 2 weeks and 1 to 2 lbs a week thereafter
The program consists of healthy, proven and foods
It's as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!
designed to help you lose weight!
and keep it off!
*clients can expect to loss 2 to 5lbs a week for the first 2 weeks
and 1 to 2 lbs a week thereafter
Because you eat every 2-3 hours
this will reduce cravings and hunger!
Stay on this proven Plan until you have lost your desired amount of weight, then you move into a transition plan utilized by thousands to help you
keep your weight off!