Kristy Medina
Kristy Medina
It's Simple2loseWeight with Kristy
What's your Motivation?
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"I don't know when I have felt so empowered."
"Your coaching has got me through some very tough times and to you I am grateful"
" I can finally play at the park with my grand kids and I didn't ever think I would get to do that again."
*clients can expect to loss 2 to 5lbs a week for the first 2 weeks
and 1 to 2 lbs a week thereafter
After three weeks one client reported
"The intense pain I used to feel when I walked is gone.
I can walk around the grocery store. No more electric cart for me."
67 lbs later she added "I walked a mile with my mom this morning, I love the new freedom I am feeling"
Sometimes we are our own worst saboteur!
Start believing the good things
and tossing back every negative thought!
You have a new person to discover!
Come discover the new you.
Let's Get Started